Rockville Elementary!
Emily Sells, PTO Vice President and USD #416 parent, requested $800 for new recess equipment for the Rockville students. The equipment requested includes a large Jenga set, outdoor tic-tac-toe, a climbing dome, new balls and pumps, and much more! Congrats Emily & RES Students, they're going to have a rocking recess with this new grant!!
Broadmoor Elementary!
Kelley Wadell, PTO School Liaison and USD #416 parent, requested $800 for new recess equipment for the Broadmoor students. The equipment requested includes a new basketball goals, new balls and pumps, jump ropes, flying disks, and much more! Congrats Kelley & BES Students, they're going to have an amazing recess with this new grant!!

Rockville Elementary!
1st Grade Teacher, Megan Harris, requested $800 to purchase 7 classroom sets of whisper phones for each first grade student to have at their desk to use daily. Whisper phones help increase reading fluency, improve phonemic awareness, and helps all students gain confidence in their reading. These phones will remain in first grade for the use of future students. Congrats Mrs. Harris and 1st Grade staff & students!
Circle Grove Preschool!
Charlee Hamamy, Circle Grove Teacher, requested $1,200 for new imaginative play items for the students at Circle Grove Preschool. These items will include items such as new imaginative play sets, a kitchen, veterinary office, and more!! So many new & exciting toys will be making their way to the Circle Grove students soon!! Congrats CG Staff & students!!

RES Kindergarteners!
Mrs. Gage submitted a grant proposal of $108 to be used to purchase 10 headphone extenders for each Kindergarten classroom so that students can more easily work independently on a chromebook. Kindergarten students should benefit from these for many years to come as it makes learning individualized.
The grant was voted on at our November meeting and passed unanimously! Congrats to Mrs. Gage and the kindergarten team!!
Broadmoor Elementary!
Sara McIntire, Social Worker at Broadmoor Elementary, requested $500 to provide a 7 Mindsets library to Broadmoor teachers & staff. This library will offer a number of books that extend the discussion of each of the seven mindsets. All students benefit from this grant, as do teachers working to integrate 7 Mindsets teaching throughout their coursework. This library will be available for years to come! Congrats Sara & BES students & staff!!

Circle Grove Pre-School!
Congrats to the students at Circle Grove, Miss Jenn submitted a grant for $867.44 to be used to purchase items for the students that will help develop their gross motor skills!
All students at Circle Grove will have access to these new items. Some of the items being purchased include: balance beams, rocking boat, obstacle course, hop scotch, tricycles, and more!! These items will be used for balance and coordination and are important to enable children to perform every day functions.
Thank you Jenn for submitting your grant and congratulations to Circle Grove!!
Rockville Elementary!
Check out that Rockville courtyard! Thank you and Congrats to Caly Bond, USD#416 parent, for her recent community grant proposal. Caly requested $150 to be used to purchase umbrellas and stands for the courtyard tables at Rockville Elementary. These tables are used throughout the day by students and by visitors during lunch. The requested umbrellas will provide some much needed shade for individuals outside!
Caly's grant was voted on and passed unanimously at our September board meeting. Congrats Caly & RES students, staff, & families!!

The Louisburg Elementary PTO Board wants to thank our local businesses and community for always supporting us, which ultimately is what allows us to give grants like these!